
Housing and 居住生活 Cancellation Information


All cancellation notices must be submitted in writing to housing@俄亥俄州.edu via the students 俄亥俄州 email account.

For purposes of this policy, a student who checks into their residence hall room for fall semester and has possession of the room for one night will have entered a binding contract for fall and spring. Once the student enters a binding contract, any termination during that term will be subject to the refund schedule listed below. The amount of any refund is based on the following percentages of the per semester room and meal charge. Any student who does not check-in for fall with residence hall staff will be processed as a no show and will receive a 100% refund (minus deposit).

秋季学期 Refund Schedule

  • 学期第一周- 80%
  • 2nd Week of Semester - 60%
  • 3rd Week of Semester - 40%
  • 学期第四周- 20%
  • 5th Week of Semester or After - NO REFUND


Incoming students who are not currently on campus: All cancellation notices must be received prior to December 1 to receive a refund of the housing deposit. Cancellations should be submitted in writing to housing@俄亥俄州.edu via the students 俄亥俄州 email account.

Any new spring semester student who does not check-in for spring with residence hall staff will be processed as a no show and will receive a 100% refund (minus deposit).

Any fall semester student who withdraws from the university for spring semester needs to terminate their contract and must officially check-out with the residence hall staff no later than 10 p.m. on the Sunday prior to the start of spring semester courses to receive a total refund of spring semester room and meal charges. Students should notify Housing & 居住生活 by properly checking out of their room and completing the Intent to Vacate Form located at their 住房自助服务.

Any student who checks into their residence hall room for spring semester and has possession of the room for one night will have entered a binding contract for the spring semester. Once the student enters a binding contract, any termination during that term will be subject to the refund schedule listed below.

春季学期 Refund Schedule

  • Prior to Dec 1 – deposit is refunded (new spring admits only)
  • 学期第一周- 80%
  • 2nd Week of Semester - 60%
  • 3rd Week of Semester - 40%
  • 学期第四周- 20%
  • 5th Week of Semester or After - NO REFUND


To objectively evaluate the need for a housing/dining withdrawal or contract termination cost adjustment, the student will need to provide detailed information related to their medical and/or psychological condition.

请填写 医疗撤退 Contract Term Cost Adjustment Form (PDF) 医疗取款.

房屋合约条款 & 条件

The Housing Contract is a legally binding agreement between you (“you” or “Resident”) and newbb电子平台, for the benefit of the Department of Housing and 居住生活 (“newbb电子平台”). Once you have submitted and signed your housing application and it is accepted by newbb电子平台, your Housing Contract is binding for the entire academic year (fall and spring semesters, 或者只在夏天, as applicable) and can only be canceled in accordance with this Contract. The terms and conditions located at the 房屋合约条款 & 条件 page outline both the Resident’s responsibilities and those of newbb电子平台.