

A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) allows you to save on your taxes while paying for certain medical bills or day care expenses. 您可以选择注册医疗保健支出帐户, 受抚养人日托开支帐户, 或两个.

当你参加FSA时, you chose an amount to be deducted from each paycheck and placed into a special account. The payroll deduction is taken from your pay before federal and state income taxes are calculated and deducted, 这意味着你实际上减少了你所支付的税额.You must elect FSA(s) each year during the annual 好处 开放登记 period.

newbb电子平台's 灵活支出账户 are administered by Health Equity/WageWorks. 参观 健康公平/工资工作网站 了解更多.


计划年限: 3,050美元(2024年7月1日起生效为3,200美元)

符合条件的费用: 医疗保健清单

You can use your Health Care Spending Account to pay for eligible expenses that are not covered by your medical plan. Use your account to pay for expenses such as deductible and coinsurance, 针灸等服务, 还有拐杖之类的用品.

一般来说,合格的受抚养人是:配偶, 26岁以下的儿童, 26岁以上的纳税家属子女, 有纳税依赖关系的家庭伴侣. 访问健康公平/工资工作网站了解更多信息 关于受抚养人资格.

用你的账户支付牙齿矫正费用? 读 正畸费用支付指南


计划年限: $2,500 if you are married and file your taxes separately; $5,000 if you are single or you are married and file your taxes jointly.'

符合条件的费用: 家属日托服务清单

You can use your Dependent Day Care Spending Account to pay for nursery school or day care for your child (under age 13) , 在家照顾一个需要照顾的成年人. Expenses must occur within the benefit plan year (fiscal) for which you are enrolling to be eligible for reimbursement.

健康公平/工资工作提供了更多的细节 日托资格 在他们的网站.

更改您的选举金额: As a rule, you can’t change your Dependent Care FSA election amount during your plan year. You should plan on an election amount to your Dependent Care FSA that suits your needs for the entire plan year. 参观 Health Equity/WageWorks site for information regarding circumstances when you are allowed to 在年中改变你的选举数量.


Sign up during the annual benefits open enrollment or if you experience a 合格家庭身份变更.

If you have not utilized the Health Equity/WageWorks system previously you will be asked to create a user ID and password. Use the last four digits of your social security number as the ID code.

While there are many advantages to Employee Spending Accounts, there are also limitations. The IRS has guidelines on which expenses are allowable and disallowable under an FSA. To see a complete list of eligible expenses under a Health Care Spending Account, 请参阅IRS出版物502. Please read the following information before you decide to participate.


  • 第一个, estimate how much you will incur during the plan year (July 1st - June 30th) on eligible health care or dependent day care expenses.
  • 然后决定, 如果有任何, of your salary you would like to contribute to a Health Care Spending Account or Dependent Day Care Spending Account. 你将分别为每一项作出税前供款. These contributions will be deducted from your pay each pay period.
  • 因为您全年都有医疗费用, they can be reimbursed from your account by using your Health Equity/WageWorks debit card or submitting a claim form. Remember, the money is never taxed--going into your account or coming out.
  • 保留好收据! The IRS maintains oversight of flexible spending accounts and requires a detailed bill or receipt must list the service or product received, 服务或销售的日期, 收费的金额.
  • The IRS also does NOT require a detailed bill for purchases made with a debit card at retail pharmacies (CVS, 克罗格, 沃尔玛, 等.) or other entities who have complied with IRS rules regarding use of debit cards.




The total amount enrolled in a flexible spending account is deducted throughout the plan year. 教师 benefit premiums are deducted over 18 pays each year from August 31 through May 15. 管理员 在10个月的合同中,超过20个月的工资有福利扣除, 11个月超过22个月,12个月超过24个月. 分类及行政每小时 你的工资是两周发一次,一年26次. 为 hourly employees flexible spending account deduction(s) begin on the check where the pay period includes July 1st.

您可以访问在a中选择的总金额 医疗保健弹性支出帐户 在计划开始的年份或日期 合格生活事件. 为 受抚养人日托帐户 you only have access to contributions you have made to your account to date. 例如, 一名教员报名参加了5美元的,000 受抚养人日间照顾帐户 during 开放登记 would have $277.从他们8月31日的支票开始扣除. 符合条件的费用最高可申请该金额.

Because your FSA deposits are not taxed, they are subject to these limitations by the IRS:

  • You cannot change or stop your deposits to your FSA until the next enrollment period, 除非你的家庭状况发生了变化,比如结婚, 离婚, 配偶或子女死亡, 孩子的出生或收养, 或者您或您的配偶的就业状况发生变化. You may make deposit changes within 31 days of the change in status.
  • Requests for reimbursement through FSA must be for services provided during the plan year (July 1st- June 30th) in which you make your deposits to your FSA. Reimbursement requests must be made no later than September 30 of the following year.
  • 你应该仔细计划你的存款.
  • 你不能把资金从一个账户转到另一个账户. 例如, you cannot use money from your 受抚养人日间照顾帐户 to pay for health care expenses.


  • If you have money left in your health care flexible spending account at the end of the plan year on June 30th or next plan year it will automatically roll over to the next year. 可以展期的金额上限为 $610 (2024年起640美元). This is for health care spending accounts only and does not apply to dependent day care accounts.

Dependent Day Care Spending Account or Dependent Care Federal Tax Credit?

Deciding whether to contribute to the Dependent Day Care Spending requires that you determine whether it is more beneficial to use an FSA or the tax credit available when completing your federal tax return. The tax credit reduces your taxes owed, whereas an FSA reduces your taxable income. You are encouraged to contact a tax advisor if you are unsure about how either of these options may affect you financially.


联系健康公平/工资工作 1-877-924-3967